
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

I'm still here!

I've always been frustrated when a blog just stops posting and no explanation is given, so since I haven't posted in over a month, I thought I'd just pop in and let everyone know I haven't given up bloggin! April and May have been extremely busy months for me, with my daughter's birthday party and a two week trip to England to plan, and now I'm recovering from jet lag while catching up on all the things that happened on the home front while I was gone. Throw in my husband's and my birthdays and Mother's Day, plus starting up a new Bible study and joining the worship team at church, and you have the recipe for slight exhaustion. Scrapbooking is still on my mind (I have tons of pictures from London to scrap), but I'm not feeling very inspired at the moment. All that to say, I'm on a little break but will be back at the beginning of June with a new sketch for everyone! Enjoy the rest of May.