
Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Real Genius Made Me Layout for Lasting Memories #702

This month is flying by, and it's already time for another Lasting Memories challenge. This time we are taking our inspiration from the movies. I was scrapbooking pictures of the pre-school class at our 2017 vacation Bible school, where the theme was about being created for a purpose; I chose the 1980s movie Real Genius because I already had a sticker that said Genius on it, and the rest of the title flowed from there. I had no paper that worked just right for this layout, so I created my own using a gear-themed stamp set. The LM design team would love to see how this theme inspires you, so feel free to link up your completed layouts over at our blog!

I also put some extra photos in a facing pocket page and created a journaling card using Honey Butter cardstock and a bunch of stamps. It was lots of work doing the journaling, but totally worth it!

Gear Up, Limited Edition & Stacy's Hand Alphabet stamp sets (+ 8 others I used for the journaling!)
January - March 2023 Mix-in papers
Mist, Capri, Nectarine & Honey Butter cardstock
Sapphire, Capri, Nectarine & Honey Butter ink
Field Trip puffy phrase stickers (American Crafts)
Star Attraction Shape Sprinkles (Doodlebug Designs)
Sunflower embroidery floss
Cricut Artiste cartridge: gear
Pattern: Got Sketch #10 (can't post here due to permission issues)
Challenges: Color My Heart Color Dare #600 - used top row with Pumpkin (subbed Nectarine since I don't have Pumpkin) + Mist + Sapphire and right column with Sapphire + Capri + Honey Butter

Time Out Challenges #263 (hopefully the genius sticker is big enough - LOL!)