9:30 pm
Okay, now I'm done! I took a shortcut on this one and used a page from the Magic Moments Scrapbooking Kit that I purchased in the Holiday Heyday Sale last month, adding extra elements to it to make it fit my theme.

Chocolate Alphabet Small
Magic Moments Scrapbooking Kit & Level 2 papers
Indian Corn BLue & Colonial White cardstock
Cocoa & Bamboo ink
Indian Corn Blue embroidery floss
Color Ready Alphabet Hodge Podge
Cocoa marker
Sorry Cheryl for jumping the gun the past few days...I managed to get 2 layouts done 2 days in a row, so now I've got a little cushion! This one, again, I don't love...I wish I had some big chipboard or stickease arrows to point to the "work" and "play"...but I did what I could! Can't wait to see yours!
More Christmas...I have 2 sets of twins...4 and 5 right now...they are 20 months apart!
I do have lots of Christmas pictures and actually used flip flaps for each of the boy pictures on the day 3 layouts. I also have them on the next post for tomorrow!
The layouts look great, ladies. I'm loving seeing your work and your cutie pie kids! Monica, please don't apologize for wanting to get your layouts posted. It's not fair for you to have to wait for me!
Oh my goodness, Linda...so you had 4 under 2!!!!! How are you still sane??? I just checked out your day 3 layout, and am laughing that I used that same Imagine LO today! I won't be posting it until Thursday, though, as I'm a bit ahead...but it's of July 1st...you'll see it soon! Cheryl, I am SO GRATEFUL for this challenge! I can't believe how much I'm getting done now that I've just committed to doing it!!! I don't usually get more than a LO done each WEEK! THANK YOU!
Cheryl, love your day 5 page. Cute title. All done now with my Christmas card album. Yay! :)
Monica, I'm happy you like the challenge. Getting my layouts posted is killer (it involves 8 scans and 6 "stitches"), but I'm enjoying the motivation, too. Beth, glad you finished up with the Christmas cards. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
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