Anyone who parents a small child knows of his or her tendency to say funny things or have little sayings that are unique to that child. I have been writing down some of my youngest son's amusing sayings and finally decided to make a layout featuring them plus some cute photos that didn't make their way onto other layouts. The "Elliot-isms" are in the file folder, but I didn't feel like taking a picture of it open, so here are the sayings:
1. It’s my favorite (in reference to food, a shirt, etc.; can change daily or even hourly).
2. I waaant it!
3. It’s good for me (usually follows #2).
4. You’re not being nice.
5. I’m so upset with you.
6. You’re not telling the truth.
7. I’m not a ________ (fill in the blank: dude, baby, honey). I’m a boy.
8. I’m hungry (usually 5 minutes after lunch is over).
9. It’s so cute (usually in reference to a bug).
10. Disguuusting!
11. I want to be snaked (pronounced snake – ed, refers to his birthday suit).
12. I don’t want to take a baf (bath).
You'll have to imagine the tone of voice on these, but I don't think it will be too difficult!

Hodge Podge Alphabet stamp set
Giggles and Grins Level 2 papers
Giggles and Grins My Stickease
White Daisy & Black cardstock
Cranberry ink
Cranberry grosgrain ribbon
DE Monograms "O", "B", "Y"
Photo Holder (JoAnns)
Foam Squares