This has been another card-oriented week. My oldest son finished first grade on Friday, and I made cards for his teacher and full-time teacher's aide. Both cards were inspired by CTMH consultants. The card with the "A" on it uses one of my favorite products: White Daisy textured cardstock. I had already used the large A on my Dimensional Elements Monogram A (see page 96 in the current catalog if you have no idea what that is!), so I used the negative space as a stencil, traced it onto my cardstock, and cut it out. I then brushed Outdoor Denim ink onto it directly from the pad (you could also use a brayer to do this). I love how you can still see traces of the white cardstock, thus making the most of the fact the paper is textured. I have to share a funny story regarding the delivery of these cards. I finished them on Thursday night and placed them in my son's homework folder in his backpack. I figured the teacher would get them since she usually checks the folder in the morning. My husband got my son ready for school Friday, and made no mention to him about the cards. So when my son came home from school and I looked in his folder, the cards were still there! EEK! I made a mad dash back to the school and fortunately his teacher was still there, so I was able to give her the cards. We ended up having a nice talk, but I was a little stressed out by this, to say the least! The funniest part of it was the conversation I had with Adrian about it.
Me: Did the other kids in your class give teacher cards or gifts?
Adrian: Yes
Me: So didn't you think to check your backpack for your card for teacher?
Adrian: Umm . . . no.

Thanks, Classmate Alphabet, July Word Puzzle & September Word Puzzle stamp sets
Animal Cookies paper pack
Clover Meadow, Outdoor Denim, Honey & Cranberry inks
Outdoor Denim, Honey, Cranberry & White Daisy cardstock
White Daisy textured cardstock
Outdoor Denim & Chocolate markers
Foam Squares

Thanks & Tiny Typewriter stamp sets
Watermelon B&Ts paper (retired)
Sweet Leaf & White Daisy cardstock
Chocolate ink
Foam Squares